Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Getting coaught up

Where did 2015 go???? And now it it's March 1st already 2016! The winter has been sooooo kind to us this year. Yesterday and the last day of February and it was a beautiful 16 degrees Celsius and today a very cool 0 degrees. Sheets on the clothesline anyway :)

Lots on the go for the next few weeks, I am doing a benefit crop with classes for a friend and fellow scrapper that is battling cancer. Everyone's battle is different, some are worse than others but they all have that type of fright in the beginning. You just don't know what your outcome will be until you get there. I consider myself one of the lucky ones, not everyone is around to talk about it 5 years later like me. I'm hoping she will be. Annette and I have some cards prepared for a class for the benefit. Here they are:

There is a cute little bag we will make for them to go into as well. I hope they like them.

I also wanted to share an album I made with my Stamp of the month club this past year.
I made it up as I went along. It'll soon be time to start again for this year.

Front Cover